Watch your Baby Grow!

It cannot be overemphasized that your baby needs all your love and attention because she’s fully dependent on you. Naturally, you and your partner would do everything to protect her from illness or danger.

Part of your responsibility as a parent is to ensure your child’s physical well-being. Children are always vulnerable because their bodies have not fully developed the capacity to fight diseases. Their health is easily affected by factors in their environment.

Fever is a common ailment experienced by children. It is usually a sign of infection; therefore it must be taken seriously in infants. Don’t ever say “It’s just a fever and will pass after a few days” because a fever could be a symptom of something serious. It is wise to have instant medication (something prescribed by your doctor) and a thermometer at home so you can check the baby’s temperature from time to time.

To protect your child from illness, take her to a pediatrician for routine check-ups. The doctor will monitor your baby’s development, inform you of any health problem, and give valuable advice on how to keep your child happy and strong all the time.

The following are descriptions of different stages in your baby’s development from birth to 1-year-old, just so you know what to expect.


Your new born baby has starling reflexes. His head tends to wobble because the muscles in the neck are not fully developed. He cannot balance his head yet. Crying is the only kind of expression your baby knows. HE cries when he’s hungry, sick, or in need of your touch. Gentle touching and rocking will quite him. He is very sensitive to the things he sees and hears.


By this time, your baby can carry, lift and move his head. His eyes follow your every movement and he can roll on his stomach as if starting to crawl. His arms are stronger now and you may pick him up by holding him under his arms. He responds when you communicate to him. He sends signals if he wants to be fed and can respond to other stimulants by smiling.


He’s in control of his little body. He can keep his head steady and balanced. He likes to play with his f

ingers by pulling them apart or by sucking on them. He wonders about the little parts of his body. He rolls around and jumps when you try to make him stand. Some teeth may begin to show. He’s more into laughing than crying. He can identify his toys and even family members, and he lets you know he wants to be picked up either by stamping his feet or stretching his arms.


He can now crawl and sit. He even pulls himself up to stand. He imitates the sounds he hears and begins to mumble. He watches your mouth as you speak and he tries to “talk”. His hands are busy picking things up just to throw them again. It seems that all his waking time it playtime. He cries when he’s hungry or sick. He enjoys the company of other family members. He cries and insists to follow when his parents are leaving. He enjoys taking a bath and playing with toys that float.


He can pick up toys better. He can walk a few steps. However, the ability to walk, talk and play varies greatly from one baby to another. He learns to say many simple words. He’s great imitator. He likes to repeat what he hears and to mimic other people’s movement. He dances to every rhythm he hears. He enjoys playing everywhere and he can eat with his hands.


His speech is easier to understand. He can walk very fast. His feet are more parallel and he knows how to balance himself. He loves to run, jumps, climb, and play with every movable objects in the house. He throws things and picks them up only to throw them again. He loves to scatter his toys everywhere. His days are all about playing, eating, and sleeping. He can identify people in pictures and call his siblings and other family members by their names. He has boundless energy.


He’s learning to use a spoon when eating although he still scatters the food around his mouth. He’s quite independent when it comes to taking off his shoes, socks, and hat. He can say words without the consonants at the end (such as “do” for dog) or he skips syllables (like “baa-bee”” for bumblebee)

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