- The enjoyment of the first three months -
In the fertilization process, the egg and the sperm meet and combine as a single cell. This cell is called a zygote, which develops in the Fallopian tube. the single-celled zygote the breaks into multiple cell now called blastocyst, which travels down the fallopian tube going to the uterus. An implantation occurs when the blastocyst attaches to the blood-rich lining of the uterus. During the first eight weeks of development part of the blastocyst grows to become the embryo while another part becomes the placenta. The placenta supports the life of the embryo by transmitting essential substances such as oxygen and nutrients to it, and carrying the waste from it. During the first three months, the placenta produces pregnancy hormones that enable the mother to maintain her pregnancy, keep her reproductive system healthy, and prepare her for lactation. After eight weeks, the embryo's major organs are already formed and it is now referred to as the fetus. In the uterus, the fetus is covered with a clear fluid-filled bag called the amniotic sac. The baby floats in the amniotic fluid and is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord
- Fetal Development (1st trimester)
- First Month - The embryo can be seen by the naked eye. The spinal column, as well as the spinal cord and foundations of the brain begin to appear. The embryo's average length is 3/4 to 1 inch. The hearth starts beating on the 25th day.
- Second Month - The spine can move. All the internal organs of the body are in place. The joints of the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees become obvious. At this stage of development, genital organs are quite visible and the fetus has a fish-like appearance. Desirable length is 1 inch.
- Third Month - Face and eyes are already distinguishable; the eyelids are closed. There are more limb movements due to the formation of the body muscles that coordinate with the brain. The fingers, fingernails, and toes are fully formed. Now the baby can swallow. It takes in the amniotic fluid, which is also a reason for the sucking motion of the mouth. Average lenght and weight: 3 inches and 5/8 ounces.
- Your condition at this stage
- Preventing a miscarriage - A miscarriage could happen anytime during the early stages of pregnancy due to several factors. Bleeding accompanied by abdominal cramps is often a sign of miscarriage. It is important to always consult your practitioner if this happens to determine the cause of your bleeding, whether it is heavy of light. A miscarriage is often mistaken as regular menstruation, so be careful and always be attentive to physical signals. A chromosomal abnormality in the embryo causes miscarriage and an ultrasound and some pathological examinations may be done to detect its cause. Half of the time, there may be no sign of miscarriage but it still wise to have your practitioner check your condition regularly so she can advice you on how prevent it.
- Dealing with ectopic pregnancy - If you experience dizziness, abdominal pain and bleeding, changes are that you could be having an ectopic pregnancy. It is an abdominal type of pregnancy in which the implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus or womb. It may be either in the cervix, ovary, or fallopian tubes. An ultrasound can help to detect this abnormality early in your pregnancy. Be aware that an ectopic pregnancy may harm your health. The embryo formed outside your uterus cannot be moved inside any longer, so it is best to seek medical care as soon as you notice any unusual symptoms.
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