1. NATURAL BIRTH – Natural birth refers to a normal delivery. Sometimes, normal delivery will bring complications, and no one is safe from those. That’s why it is necessary to check you and your baby’s physical condition so that you can anticipate any possible changes in your delivery. It is also important to discuss other option with the partner early on in your pregnancy so that he can prepare for any problem that may occur in the middle of your labor. A labor that is unplanned can be a bit scary. Unexpected medical interventions may arise and induction of labor may be required. Should any complication arise, let your birth attendants (in consultation with your partner) handle the situation.
2. CAESAREAN SECTION (C-SECTION) – A surgical procedure where the baby is removed from the uterus without passing through the cervix. A cut is made from the bottom point of the navel going down vertically and a horizontal line incision along the bikini line (just above the pubic hair).
What are the possible reasons for performing a C-section?
· Baby’s head is too big for the mother’s pelvic opening, making it impossible for the baby to pass through;
· Incorrect fetus position (as in breech);
· There’s a sign of fetal distress;
· Mother’s health problems(herpes, vaginal infection, etc.); and
· Poor contraction of the cervix, umbilical cord problems; such as when the cord slips out of the birth canal before the baby comes out
Remember, though, that if the position of your baby is normal and if you are capable of having of normal delivery (that is, if there are no complications), nobody can force you to have C-section. Though the procedure involves less pain than a normal delivery, It is much more expensive. If your doctor suggests a C-section, don’t say yes immediately. Ask her why exactly it is necessary. If you and your partner agree that it will be advantageous, then go ahead and have a C-section. Most women, however, would option for it only as a last resort, that is, when normal delivery has proven unsuccessful.
3. FORCEPS DELIVERY – as C-sections gained popularity, forceps delivery declined. Forceps are only applied nowadays when the cervix of the mother has fully dilated and the baby’s head has descended into the pelvis but fails to descend any further. It is also done when there is a sign of maternal or fetal distress. Forceps (a tong-like instrument) are placed on both sides of the baby’s head, enabling the birth attendant to pull out the baby from birth canal.
4. EPISIOTOMY – A surgical cutting of the vagina opening to expedite birth and avoid tearing. After birth, the cut is immediately stitched and the wound heals within a few days.
5. VACUUM EXTRACTION – suction is applied to the baby’s head by means of a small cup attached to a pump, making it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
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